On 31 March 2019, the Civil Human Rights Front composed of 50 pro-democracy groups in Hong Kong launched a protest against the amendment Fugitive Offenders […]
Author Archives: Haroun Alfarsi
Applications of Drones: Military, Commercial, and Industrial
A drone or an unmanned aerial vehicle is a small aircraft operated without a human pilot aboard and instead, through a ground-based controller via a […]
Difference between GDPR and Data Protection Directive
On 25 March 2018, the European Union started enforcing the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR. It is a landmark data privacy law that provides […]
The Pagan Origins of Christmas
Christmas is an annual festival celebrated on the 25th of December across the world to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. The nativity stories found […]
Profile: Erin Saltman
Dr. Erin Marie Saltman is an expert on the processes of radicalization with a specific focus on topics covering far-right and Islamist extremism radicalization processes […]
Reasons Islam Spread Quickly from the Arabian Peninsula
Islam is the second largest religion in the world. It also remains the fastest-growing in terms of the number of membership and geographical scope. The […]
How and Why Islam Spread in Southeast Asia
There are about 240 million Muslims in Southeast Asia. This makes Islam as the most dominant religion in the region. In Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia, […]